Summary: The little-known freshman senator from South Dakota, George McGovern, rises to the national stage, while the old, dominant Democratic Party breaks apart in 1968.
Episode Bibliography
McGovern: a biography, by Robert Sam Anson, 1972
The Rise of a Prairie Statesman: The Life and Times of George McGovern, by Thomas Knock, 2016
Grassroots: The Autobiography of George McGovern, by George McGovern, 1977
The Wild Blue: The Men and Boys Who Flew the B-24s Over Germany 1944-45, Stephen Ambrose, 2002
Uphill, a Personal Story, by Eleanor McGovern, 1974
Robert Kennedy and His Times, by Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., 1978
American Maelstrom: The 1968 Election and the Politics of Division, by Michael A. Cohen, 2016
The Liberals’ Moment, by Bruce Miroff, 2007
Nixonland, by Rick Perlstein, 2008
New York Times, “Mob Attack, Incited by Trump, Delays Election Certification,” January 2021
NPR, “Here Are The Republicans Who Objected To The Electoral College Count,” January 2021
New York Magazine, “Police Riot,” by Jimmy Breslin, September 1968
New York Times, “New Hampshire Primary,” March 1968
NPR, “Military Victory But Political Defeat: The Tet Offensive 50 Years Later,” January 2018
New York Times, “Washington: The Qualities of Robert Kennedy,” June 1968
New York Times, “Enter Mr. Humphrey,” April 1968
New York Times, “Kennedy Supporters Awaiting a New Candidate,” July 1968
New York Times, “Sorensen Urges Open Convention,” July 1968
New York Times, “Week’s U.S. War Dead of 308 Highest of Summer,” August 1968
The Guardian, “The Whole World Is Watching,” August 2019
New York Times, “Defeat for Doves on Vietnam Plank Reflects Deep Division Within Democratic Party,” August 1968
Oral Histories:
Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate, Interview with George McGovern
Miller Center, George McGovern Oral History
Nixon Library, George McGovern Oral History
World War II Museum, George McGovern Oral History
Gallup, Iraq Versus Vietnam: A Comparison of Public Opinion, August 2004
American War Library, Vietnam War Allied Troop Levels 1960-73
National Archives, Vietnam War U.S. Military Fatal Casualty
The Century Foundation, The Inclusive Populism of Robert Kennedy, March 2018
Chicago Study Team, Rights in Conflict, December 1968
Historical speeches, news footage, and other archival tape excerpted in the episode were gathered from:
Archive of American Television
Bay Area Television Archive
Dakota Wesleyan University
Internet Archive
Minnesota Historical Society
The Miller Center at the University of Virginia
Vanderbilt Television News Archive
Vietnam Center and Sam Johnson Vietnam Archive, Texas Tech University